Community Health Worker Film shared at APHA Public Health Film Festival

The 2020 American Public Health Association’s Public Health Film Festival showcased TEAM UP’s film, “Filling the Gaps: Community Health Workers Improve Healthcare Systems by Addressing the Social Determinants of Health,” written, produced, and directed by Sonia Erlich. The film features interviews with Community Health Workers (CHWs) and parallel role Family Partners at Codman Square Health Center, Lowell Community Health Center, and The Dimock Center.

 Often hailing from the communities they serve, CHWs leverage their community ties and lived experiences to reach and advocate on behalf of people who otherwise may have fallen through the cracks in the system. Through their voices, we hear how they are uniquely positioned to bridge this gap between health care delivery and access. Where a standard medical visit may not have the capacity to address the range of social determinants of health, CHWs are stepping in to ensure that those fundamental needs are prioritized and met. This film aims to increase awareness of the much needed role that CHWs play in addressing social, cultural, linguistic, and operational barriers to care.

“Filling the Gaps: Community Health Workers Improve Healthcare Systems by Addressing the Social Determinants of Health”