Meet the Team

Arth Hin, BLA

CHW Role Coordinator
Arth Hin, BLA, has over ten years of experience providing advocacy, care coordination, and navigation support to families engaged in behavioral health services. As a Community Health Worker at Lowell Community Health Center, Ms. Hin was part of a pediatric integrated behavioral health team. In this role, she led coordination and tracking of all Early Intervention referrals, and developed and managed close relationships with multiple local provider organizations. She assisted patients in navigating healthcare and social service systems, promoted treatment adherence, developing individualized strategies to address each patient’s goals, and coordinated referrals for developmental-behavioral assessments and IEP evaluations. In her roles as a Family Partner at both the Mental Health Association of Greater Lowell, Inc. and Lahey Health Behavioral Services, Ms. Hin provided intervention and counseling to families in crisis utilizing Motivational Interviewing and Solution-Focused Therapy techniques, implemented individualized Family Support Plans, and led parenting and support groups.